UPDATE: 5th June 2017
Sad news received via Althian Alexander and Mokale Kaopeng is that Washington Sixolo passed away on 4th June 2017. Rest in peace Sir.
Althian sent this picture of the Kings Messengers Quartet meeting with Zambian President at the time, Kenneth Kaunda, saying that once President Kaunda heard a recording of the KMQ, he arranged a fully paid trip for them to Zambia so that he could hear them perform live.
Kenneth Kaunda is on the left, and Washington Sixolo is third from the left:
A fifth recording of the King's Messengers Quartet is now added to this page (26 August 2012). "More Songs with the Kings Messengers Quartet" was their third album, after "Soul of Africa" and "Precious Moments". It features songs focussing on the Christian faith sung in English, Zulu and Sotho, including Christmas Carols, and Nkosi Sikelela I Africa (in Zulu) and Morena Boloka (in Sotho).
Judging by the number of requests and visits to this page, the recordings of this extraordinary group remain hugely popular in southern Africa. Another recording has been found - so, do page down and feel free to download the 1967 "Spiritual Revival" (Motella label LMO 105).

There are now five records available for download on this page - just click on the word "HERE" where it says "LINK: HERE" below, and follow the links, click on green download symbol on the website. Once you have the file on your computer you will need to "unzip" it. It is compressed using .rar - you can get "winrar" for free from
HERE it will unpack your file for you. Once it is unpacked you just double-click on the individual songs and they should play on your computer.
More Songs with the Kings Messengers Quartet
1. Praise God, From whom all blessings flow (Zulu - English)
2. No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (English)
3. My Jesus I Love Thee (Zulu)
4. Somebody Cares (English)
5. Hark The Herald Angels Sing (English - Zulu)
6. A Mighty Fortress Is our God (English)
7. Christ The Lord is Risen Today (English)
8. While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks By Night (English)
9. I Wont Have to Cross Jordan Alone (English)
10. Sing Them Over Again To Me (Zulu)
11. Just a Little Talk With Jesus (English)
12. They Led Him Away (English)
13. There Is a Green Hill Far Away (English)
14. Nkosi Sikelela I Africa (Zulu)
15. Morena Boloka (Sotho)
Birth of our King
Contemplative, harmonic, soothing South African Christmas singing on the “Black Music” label.
1. Mamelang Manstwe
2. Tlong Bana
3. Kganye Ya Naledi
4. Ke Mmoloko Jesu
5. Oh come all ye faithful
6. Silent Night
7. Once in Royal David’s Cuity
8. Christ is Born
9. There’s a song in the air
10. While Shepherds Watch their flocks by night
11. Showers of Blessings
12. Blessed Assurance
Produced by Hansford Mthembu
1983 CCP Records Black Music BMC 559
MORE: There are a surprising number of people throughout Africa who google the Kings Messenger's Quartet and land up at ElectricJIve. More than 2800 people have visited this page (by mid August 2012). Many people have asked if there is more available. Commercially, very little. The following 1964 recording of the group contains explicit Christian Religious content, sung all in English. It is the second ever recording of the group formed by Billy Mahlalela at the Bethel College in Butterworth (Eastern Cape) in 1954. All of the group are/were members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and specialise in singing Hymns and Spirituals. The other members of the group on this recording are: Paul Kote; Norman Dube and Washington Sixolo.
MORE: Following further requests by visitors, the First LP by the Kings Messesngers Quartet - "Soul of Africa" - is now available for download. This LP is a collection of all 14 of the songs they released in the 1950s on 78rpm records. The sound quality of the LP digitised here is excellent. Enjoy!
Spiritual Revival is a 1967 LP:
First Tenor: Norman Dube;
Second Tenor: Palmer Paul Kote:
Baritone and Principle Arranger: Gift S. Makapela:
Bass: Washington Sixolo