Wednesday 16 December 2009

King’s Messengers Quartet: Five Albums

UPDATE: 5th June 2017

Sad news received via Althian Alexander and Mokale Kaopeng is that Washington Sixolo passed away on 4th June 2017. Rest in peace Sir.

Althian sent this picture of the Kings Messengers Quartet meeting with Zambian President at the time, Kenneth Kaunda, saying that once President Kaunda heard a recording of the KMQ, he arranged a fully paid trip for them to Zambia so that he could hear them perform live.

Kenneth Kaunda is on the left, and Washington Sixolo is third from the left:

A fifth recording of the King's Messengers Quartet is now added to this page (26 August 2012). "More Songs with the Kings Messengers Quartet" was their third album, after "Soul of Africa" and "Precious Moments". It features songs focussing on the Christian faith sung in English, Zulu and Sotho, including Christmas Carols, and Nkosi Sikelela I Africa (in Zulu) and Morena Boloka (in Sotho).

Judging by the number of requests and visits to this page, the recordings of this extraordinary group remain hugely popular in southern Africa. Another recording has been found - so, do page down and feel free to download the 1967 "Spiritual Revival" (Motella label LMO 105).

There are now five records available for download on this page - just click on the word "HERE" where it says "LINK: HERE" below, and follow the links, click on green download symbol on the website. Once you have the file on your computer you will need to "unzip" it. It is compressed using .rar - you can get "winrar" for free from HERE it will unpack your file for you. Once it is unpacked you just double-click on the individual songs and they should play on your computer.

More Songs with the Kings Messengers Quartet

1. Praise God, From whom all blessings flow (Zulu - English)
2. No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (English)
3. My Jesus I Love Thee (Zulu)
4. Somebody Cares (English)
5. Hark The Herald Angels Sing (English - Zulu)
6. A Mighty Fortress Is our God (English)
7. Christ The Lord is Risen Today (English)
8. While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks By Night (English)
9. I Wont Have to Cross Jordan Alone (English)
10. Sing Them Over Again To Me (Zulu)
11. Just a Little Talk With Jesus (English)
12. They Led Him Away (English)
13. There Is a Green Hill Far Away (English)
14. Nkosi Sikelela I Africa (Zulu)
15. Morena Boloka (Sotho)
Download HERE

Birth of our King

Contemplative, harmonic, soothing South African Christmas singing on the “Black Music” label.

1. Mamelang Manstwe
2. Tlong Bana
3. Kganye Ya Naledi
4. Ke Mmoloko Jesu
5. Oh come all ye faithful
6. Silent Night
7. Once in Royal David’s Cuity
8. Christ is Born
9. There’s a song in the air
10. While Shepherds Watch their flocks by night
11. Showers of Blessings
12. Blessed Assurance

Produced by Hansford Mthembu
1983 CCP Records Black Music BMC 559

MORE: There are a surprising number of people throughout Africa who google the Kings Messenger's Quartet and land up at ElectricJIve. More than 2800 people have visited this page  (by mid August  2012). Many people have asked if there is more available. Commercially, very little. The following 1964 recording of the group contains explicit Christian Religious content, sung all in English. It is the second ever recording of the group formed by Billy Mahlalela at the Bethel College in Butterworth (Eastern Cape) in 1954. All of the group are/were members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and specialise in singing Hymns and Spirituals. The other members of the group on this recording are: Paul Kote; Norman Dube and Washington Sixolo.

MORE: Following further requests by visitors, the First LP by the Kings Messesngers Quartet - "Soul of Africa" - is now available for download. This LP is a collection of all 14 of the songs they released in the 1950s on 78rpm records. The sound quality of the LP digitised here is excellent. Enjoy!

Spiritual Revival is a 1967 LP:
First Tenor: Norman Dube;
Second Tenor: Palmer Paul Kote:
Baritone and Principle Arranger: Gift S. Makapela:
Bass: Washington Sixolo


  1. electircjive??? Has someone cut de Power

    Who are these Kings Messengers ?? this has to be one of the most boring SA Xmas lps I've heard and I've heard a few - surprized anyone would bother to rip this, what with jumps on first track and the overall low volumn level...



  2. You are quite right Mr Worthington - not everyone's cup of tea - thank you for the chuckle you gave us with your comment - stick around for Friday where you will find a special Christmas surprise

  3. Still curious as to who they are them Messengers ??

  4. No further info supplied on the cover or label - sorry

  5. What a exceptionally talented group! Thanks so much for sharing this LP. As a child growing up in Queenstown SA, my parents were given one of the King;s Messengers LPs which I remember with much nostalgia. Do you know how I could get hold of some of their other gospel LP's?

  6. Thanks for the positive feedback Lloyd - you can buy a best of the Kings Messengers from for R43.00 -

  7. wow what a group mr Lloyd have u managed to get some more music from these guys , my father adores them and his 70 th birth day is around the coner it will be a great present for him , guys how could i get hold of there albums ,i hve bought the best of kings messangers r there any more out there

  8. stay tuned timberly - it is not in the immediate schedule, but another early album has been located - how long you got till the birthday? Chris

  9. chriss i hve 3 weeks in counting thats will be nice guys ,and recorded dvd or vhs frm these guys

  10. timberly - check back on these comments in a day or two and I will post you a link to a 1964 recording - "Precious Moments" - Chris

  11. UPDATE: another download - a 1964 recording of the King's Messenger's Quartet has been added and is now referenced at the bottom of the original post.

  12. wow thanks guys these will mak e my fatherhappy do u knw is one of them still alive alive

  13. Any possibility to get lyrics for their songs? I have two albums of the King's Messengers, Soul of Africa and The Best of King Messengers. I sometimes struggle to get their lyrics and would like to sing their songs for pleasure with my group.

  14. Went to the music stores looking for old fashioned gospel cds and found the best of the KMQ and wow I was impressed. How many albums do they have and how can one get hold of them?

  15. Thanks for the messages. It amazes us how popular this group is. Perhaps this kind of demand might persuade record companies to re-issue some of their many recordings? Khumbulele, I did try and find lyrics, but have been unsucessful. PL Moeketsi - try downloading the two albums we have listed on this page - look around at second-hand record fares, fetes, shops etc - vinyl records are becoming a scarce commodity. Best wishes

  16. Kings Messengers Quartet first LP "Soul of Africa" is now also available for download from the same December 2009 page as the other KMQ postings on Electric Jive. Excellent quality repro too.

  17. I would like to buy a Kings Mess quartet 1983 music. my address is

    Rogers Hamsini

  18. I have grown up listening and even singing the King's messengers quartet. Their music is so inspiring and you cannot imagine the joy I had when I finally lay my hands on this music in digital form.Thank you so much and continue doing the good work

  19. i grow up with the messengers playing every sunday..My father and I use to sing most of their songs all the time..listening to these songs now bring great comfort and joy..thanx for the link

  20. I grew up listening to The Kings Messengers and even today when going through difficult times many of their songs will flood my thoughts & inspire me to not give up. Thanks for making it digitally availble, even if it's only "Soul of Africa"

  21. Another Kings Messengers Quartet LP has been located and will be posted on the Kings Messnegers page on Electric Jive within the next few days. "Spiritual Revival" is a 1967 recording

  22. I'm selling my copy of Birth on eBay if anyone's still interested:

  23. Musipa Willard VictorWednesday, June 06, 2012

    Wonderful Singing!so inspiring!
    failed to download Africa Soul

  24. A fifth Kings Messengers Quartet album is now available on electric jive - "More Songs with Kings Messengers Quartet", was their third LP.

  25. ElectricJive, I am very grateful to the Lord and to you for connecting me again to Spiritual Revival by the King's Messengers Quartet.We have an LP of this album at the village and the songs blessed us alot in those day. The album is super..the singing intended to glorify God and uplift us to heaven. This is genuine, pure and unborrowed gospel music.


  26. Thank you Wiza for the kind and encouraging words

  27. I jhave been blessed by the collection of songs from these inpired singers. May the Lord uses these songs to bless many more, I will share the link on facebook.
    Victor Willard Musipa- Zambia

    1. Hi Mr Musipa...
      Please save my Soul! I grew uplistening at the KMQ; humming at the songs with my Dad. Now I'm in my 70's & what keeps me going is humming the songs. May you please secure me the collection you have? Please.

  28. I really can't remember the time I came to know the King's Messengers. But ever since that day, I knew I needed them for my spiritual journey to be righted. Thank you so much for these songs. May God richly bless you.

  29. Pleas if you can get "The Best Of Kings Messengers" for me

  30. Hi Theo - "The Best of the Kings Messengers" is still commercially obtainable on CD for less than ZAR36. On this site we try to only share that music which cannot otherwise be found. If you visit they will deliver the CD for you. Check this link. Best wishes. Chris

  31. thank you for the wonderful music

  32. How could I thank you enough? This music really touches my soul.Please add Precious moments aswell.

  33. Thanks Nondo for your kind comment. I will look out for Precious Moments

    1. Hi Cris...
      May you add the Albums: "Precious Moments" and "Thetha Nkosi Ndilendele? Please....?

    2. Hi Mr Selaledi. I am sorry to say that I do not possess the albums you mention. Maybe other visitors might be able to assist you? Best wishes

  34. Well I got precious moments after several searches and I am appropriately glad.There are two tracks I thought would also be on the album but may be they are on another. I just remember that one starts with 'Theta Nkhosi' and the other 'Ndikhokhele O Yehova' .Pardon my probably mis-spelt words I am not from South Africa. Any idea which album they are on? I have tried to search for these as the track titles but I guess they are not the ones.

  35. So happy to have found this site!! I have loved King's Messengers' music since growing up with it in Malawi in the 1960s. It is a special delight to be able to listen to it again. Thank you!

  36. Nondo, the name of the album you are looking for is Lead Kindly Light. It is one of the later Kings Messengers albums. I know because we had this album when I was still a kid. Another album of their's is called "Its not an easy road" (My favourite)

  37. The best.. Thanks a lot.. Electricjive has made my Sunday.

  38. Well thanks for that information anonymous.I have been searching for Lead kindly light but I can't find it.I hope it will feature here some day.

  39. hi, thanks for the kings messengers quartet albums. but i still cannot find the albums "lead kindly light" and "its not an easy road". i miss those, please help.

  40. MY my my! To whoever put these albums here may the Lord bless you. I have been wanting these songs for the past 10 years. My dad used to listen to them always. It played a huge role in me knowing God and becoming christian later in life.

    I got this at a time when I needed to hear these messages from God. There are many ways to testify and that is what you have done to me today. May the Lord abundantly bless you. I'm feeling joy, happiness and completeness all that the same time. I cannot explain it. Thank you for letting God use you. Bless you bless you bless you

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Thanks for your kind words Langalethu, and for taking the time to share your joy and appreciation. Best wishes to you.

  43. NEW POST - Kings Messengers Quartet - Lead Kindly Light -

  44. Chris -

    I'm having a problem with 2 of the links on this page:

    I can't find a link for More Songs with the Kings Messengers. The link directly after the last song of More Songs with the Kings Messengers Quartet will download the Birth of Our King album.

    The Rapidshare link under the back cover of Birth of Our King is broken.

    I hope this helps - thank you for this wonderful music.

  45. Can anybody perhaps tell me who is the Bass on Birth of our King. It is definately not Washington Sixolo. The bass on this album is not as deep as Sixolo's.

  46. Masana Joseph SaapeThursday, June 18, 2015

    Wow! I've been listening to my mother singing this songs all the time... I just managed to get the song names and googled every word i remembered. Now finally I got few tracks and some albums. Thanks for bringing The Kings Messengers Quartet to live. My mother will now sing along. God Bless You!

  47. BIRTH OF OUR KING. Washington Sixolo is not the bass. In this year he obatained "Best Actor" award, as he was an actor by profession.The deep bass notes therefore cannot be heard on this album.

  48. Thanks for the info on Washington Sixolo - I simply repeated the information contained on the record back cover. I think it is possible to be an actor and a singer in the same year?

    1. Hi Albert - I can confirm that he's not the bass on that album, as I am his grand son! That year he was focused on his acting and had officially split from the group. My Uncle Zolani can confirm that information, as he was in the band too.

    2. Chris, also to note - very interesting that he was still credited as a contributor on the record? Very weird... when I know that he apparently was not involved on the project.

    3. The name of the bass on the album "Birth of our King" Samson Pagate. Washington Sixolo was not part of this album. (Info given by Mr Steven Mota who sang with the Kings Messengers on 2 albums)

  49. He actually did sing for this group and he later became an actor. In recent years he was in a Zulu sitcom on SABC 1 called 'Emzini Wezinsizwa' as Jwara

  50. Gift Makapela and Palmer Paul Kote sang for the Kings Messengers up to almost 1970. Kote featured on Precious Moments onwards. Gift came with Spirtual revival (Forth album), after Billy Mahlalela (founder) left the group.Both Makapela and Mahlalela was Baritones and Principal arrangers. Up to the late 1970's Washington Sixolo was still the bass. Its only after Sixolo left that Makepela and Kote formed the Kings Messengers that sang on "Birth of Our King". Giving meaning to the fact that the bass notes on this album are not the same as the other albums.The Kings messengers per se was known for the wonderful bass singing of Washington Sixolo through the years. Sixolo features on eight albums from Soul of Africa to Its not an easy road )(1954-1977)

    1. Thank you for the info, grew up listening to the group, only got a chance to buy one album the rest are hard to find, except a few songs online.

  51. To all Kings Messengers fans. We are in the initial stages of planning a Kings Messengers Memorial evening in Johannesburg. The attendees will include Washington Sixolo and Lincoln Sixolo (Who sang on the last 2 LP's with his dad, Washington). Our aim is to find a quartet that will bring the origanal Kings Messengers Sound alive again. Songs of the evening will include Jericho Road,Swing Down, Last mile of the way, Nkosi Sikelela, etc. Will give more info as time progesses - A Alexander

    1. Oh wow. That would be awesome. Looking forward to it A. Thank you

  52. Spread he news Langalethu. Be blessed -

  53. These songs awaken my childhood memories. Thanks. All the rapidshare links are broken though. The album "More Songs with the Kings Messengers" has no link.

  54. Sad to announce that Washington Sixolo died yesterday, 04 June 2017.

    1. So allllllllllll along I've been watching the sitcom not knowing he too was part of the group, this so sad for I think if it were known He would probably be celebrated as a musician a little more than just an actor, May Hi's soul rest in peace.

    2. Washington Sixolo was indeed the heart of the Kings Messengers Quartet, Lebo Monyake. He was the only one that appeared on 7 of the 8 albums. The last album, Birth of our King, was made after the group dissolved and a former member, Gift Makapela, reformed the group with 3 new singers. Its a great pity that no one had the mindset of honouring formally as the Kings Messengers Quartet legend

  55. Sad news indeed. Thank you for the announcement

  56. Birth of our King
    Singers on back cover (left to right) are: Samson Phakathi (Bass), Norman Dube (Fist Tenor), Mike Thlakoane (2nd Tenor), Gift Makapela (Baritone). This was the basically the 80's group. The last singers with Washington Sixolo were: Zolani Sixolo (1st Tenor), Vincent Mvelase (2nd Tenor), Stephen Motha (Baritone) and Washington Sixolo (Bass). Whe BIRTH OF OUR KING was made, Sixlolo already worked full time for SABC.

  57. 'It's Not An Easy Road" I don't know the joy i will be if ever i will come across this album again.I was young then possibly 5years when i used to listen to these songs back in the 70s and early 80s.
    Please Electric Jive find out on this one.Even if ts gonna cost i don't know buy i need this album

  58. I look forward ton the day i will ever listen to this album *Its Not An Easy Road* Please Electrc Jive I have trust in you that someday you will provide this with us.Should you find it i will buy it outright.

  59. Its not an easy road was on Bid or Buy, but only for a few days. Hope the purchaser will download it on the net. The best Kings messengers album, according to the late tata Washington too.

    1. Please can u find out for me if the either the LP or a CD for "It's Not An Easy Road if it's still on sale please reach me on I desperately need this Album.I need to buy it

  60. I knew the king's messengers quartet songs when I was 8 years old , now I'm 35 . their songs are not only preparatory for one's salvation, but spiritually soothing. Dad used to play them especially on sabbaths. God bless you. I still need them especially playing at dawn. Thanks I'm Mutambo, Lusaka zambia.


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