Wednesday 2 May 2012

Tete Mbambisa: Black Heroes (2012)

In celebration of the just released CD “Black Heroes” by legendary South African jazz composer and pianist Tete Mbambisa, Electric Jive is giving one away.
Jazz fundi Don Albert says that on “Black Heroes one hears his melodies, underpinned with rich chordal voicings and often a bass line that is pure African. His mix of African and American jazz is subtle. You’ll hear a tune such as “Dembese” and know the melody, now you will now know it was written by Mbambisa.”

He is not afraid to display his emotional style on slower tempos, or to call out ‘hey’ when he likes what he’s doing, as on “Masiye”. He also has a strong side, but never just pounds the keyboard. A good example is the way he plays block chords on “Thembile’s Workshop” or his ostinato bass on “Umsenge” while on “Emavundleni” he evokes a bluesy feel.”

Tony McGregor puts it this way: “.. absolutely amazing album by Tete Mbambiso ... what a joy! To add to the greatness of the music the CD is brilliantly produced with wonderful liner notes by music maven Jonathan Eato and singer Pinise Saul. I wish all producers would take a look at this CD and learn how to really put a package together. What a wonderful tribute to a great musician – and one sadly not as well recognised as he should be. Thanks Bra Tete for the music!”

If you would like to stand a chance of winning this give-away, there are two simple steps. First, leave a comment below, saying you would like a copy. Second, send an e-mail to recordforthe AT gmail dot com, telling me the names of at least two bands that Tete Mbambisa has played with.

If you would like to buy a copy of Black Heroes (all proceeds go to Bra Tete):
Rest of the World, visit Jonathan Eato's JISA site and click on the PAYPAL link. He is working on getting more stores to stock the CD.
In South Africa:
African Music Store in Long Street, Cape Town has copies available, and they will post to you. Tel: 021 426 0857 – they do not seem to answer e-mails, but you may be luckier than me: have also said they will sell it – but nothing has appeared yet.

If you would like to hear excerpts of the CD - you can do that here


  1. I would really like a copy of this to play at our radio station.

  2. Great music but JISA aren't doing themselves or Mbambisa any favours by failing to have this record available on digital platforms such as amazon or itunes. And it seems terribly overpriced.

  3. I'd love a copy of this partic as Bra Tete played with Dudu my all time fav who led me to dis jiving blogspot.

    Henri [London UK]

  4. Glad you like the music Anonymous. Digital downloads will come later - you can check the JISA website or fb page for announcements - our priority is the CD at the moment.

    It's a shame that you feel it is too expensive though. Just so we are clear, the price of the CD was set by Bra Tete, and if you buy from the JISA site he receives 100% of this. The other costs - PayPal fee, postage, and packing - are beyond our control.

    Jonathan Eato (JISA)

  5. Great CD Jonathan! - will definitely buy a copy. Hope you're well. Matt

  6. Congratulations Henri - it is your random lucky day - you are the winner of the Tete Mbambisa give-away. I will be in touch via e-mail.

  7. Hi Chris and Jonathan,

    It's true that the "Black Heroes" is a little bit expensive. But, as we say in France : when you love (somebody or something), we don't count".

    I've ordered 4 four CDs directly to Johnathan. I'm eager to listen to it.



  8. very gratifying...I was just showing off really...but think I owe it to the memory of Dudu and his crew to buy this one, trusting that the bread gets to Tete.

    So I would like you to send cd to a teacher I know at Roedean School in Jo'burg, I'm sure he will find some young ears needing to appreciate their musical heretige!

    to the anon that moaned be aware that music obtained through platforms such as amazon or itunes gives pitiful remuneration to artists buying this cd totally supports the short a GOOD idea!

    Will be in touch via email re address teacher.


  9. Thanks all for your interest and comments. Henri, your points are well taken. I am confident that Tete will benefit as Jonathan says. I will gladly post that tape locally. Cheers - Chris

  10. Eishhh where is my copy of this album?


  11. Does anyone know how one can get a copy of this CD shipped to the U.S.?


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