Saturday 22 January 2011

Electric Jive expands its roots

JH Pierneef: The Baobab Tree - sold in 2009 for R11,8 million. As it is more than fifty years old, copyright on sharing images of this painting has lapsed.

A heads up to electric jive visitors – expect an expanded menu of special sounds in the coming year. We are excited to announce that two South African music aficionados and vinyl collectors extraordinaire have joined our blog team.

Siemon Allen (flat international) and Nick Lotay will be digging deep into their personal collections to share rare grooves that are just not available anywhere, anymore. Expect surprises and revelations of music whose existence is rumour. Nick will no doubt reveal more of the roots of mbaqanga, interspersed with additional helpings of isicathamiya and mbube. Siemon has already shared numerous gems with us, and, looking at his amazing and growing flatinternational archive we just know it is going to be a special year ahead.

Please do keep our store of electricity charged with your feedback, additions, shares and encouragement. This blog exists for no purpose other than for the excitement of sharing great music, honouring the musicians, and hopefully turning on a whole new audience to sounds that might otherwise become lost. We avoid sharing music that can still be legitimately purchased. If we do share current music, it is most often with the permission and endorsement of the artist concerned.


  1. this is really great news, electricjive is a favorite blog, and it's only going to get better

  2. excellent! looking forward to it.
    thanks for the great blog.

    more MBAQANGA please!

  3. love your site--thank you very much!

  4. Fantastic. Can't wait to see what the year holds on the Jive.
    Great work and blog. My exposure to new sorts of AFrican music and indeed the universe of music blogging came through your blog! Thanks.

  5. Could ElectricJive really get any better? Sounds like maybe it could! Looking forward to future posts, as I've had so much pleasure from past riches.

  6. This is fantastic news. Siemon and Nick have already given so much. It is almost embarrassing to anticipate even more wonderful things. Three cheers to the new partnership.

  7. keep up the great work! from a fellow south african!

  8. I love this blog even more, really appreiciate it, i would never have heard all this music if it wasn't for your efforts.


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