Friday 22 March 2013

South African Jazz Cultures Indaba - 20th April

A heads-up for jazz-loving UK-based visitors to Electric Jive, here is a chance to spend a day listening to and participating in discussions focussed on South African jazz cultures.
Taking place at the University of York on 20th April, the South African Jazz Cultures indaba / discussion day is an interdisciplinary forum structured around five presentations and a round table. Contributions from academics (Eato, Pyper), filmmakers (Kaganof), heritage practitioners (Temple, Huntley), musicians (Abdul-Rahim, Brubeck, Moholo-Moholo), and Hazel Miller of Ogun Records will invite discussion on a range of issues broadly framed by the idea of South African jazz cultures. The day will bring together thinking on a range of topics including, but not limited to:
  • Artistic heritage in post-authoritarian, post-censorship societies
  • The artist in exile
  • Vernacular intellectuals
  • Informal / underground knowledge transfer structures
  • Artistic modes of resistance
Attendance is free - follow the link here to find out more, and to register.


  1. Wow, that looks fascinating. Sorry I'm on this side of the Atlantic! MB

  2. I am going to be there with joy and happinness.
    I'm eager to see again Hazel and Louis, and, for the first time, Jonathan, Aryan, Matt and the others.
    Thanks a lot for this precious information !!!
    Best regards


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